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A Patent-Pending Revolutionary High-Temperature Corrosion Inhibitor: TETRA X blog image.
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Esittelyssä patenttia odottava vallankumouksellinen korkean lämpötilan korroosionestoaine: TETRA X


The development of the hydrocarbons that fuel our world almost always entails contact with a host of corrosive species: water, carbon dioxide (causing sweet corrosion), hydrogen sulfide (causing sour corrosion), organic acids like formic acid and acetic acid, and salts like sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and ammonium chloride, all of which can cause corrosion of the metal tubulars used in wells (Perez 2013). [1]

Corrosion is dangerous, as more than 25% of safety incidents in the oil and gas industry are reportedly due to corrosion-related failures (Solovyeva, et al 2023). [2] The rupture of metal piping or couplings can send metal debris flying and release hot fluids and gases.

Corrosion is also expensive, as shown in the latest NACE Impact study which estimated the global cost of corrosion in the oil and gas industry to be US$1.372 trillion in 2013; that was 11 years ago, so the cost is surely more by now (Solovyeva, et al, 2023). Corrosion can necessitate not only the costly replacement of individual well components like metal tubing, drill pipe, and casing string, but also the far costlier scenario of a premature end to a productive well’s lifespan.

The Limits of Inhibition

Teollisuus käyttää useita ratkaisuja porausreiän komponenttien korroosion lieventämiseksi: erikoistuneita korroosionkestäviä seoksia, suojapinnoitteita, katodisuojausta, ei-metallisia komposiitteja ja korroosiota estäviä lisäaineita, joista viimeksi mainittuja yhdisteitä lisätään porauskaivoissa käytettäviin eri nesteisiin. Korroosionestoaineet ovat edullisuutensa ja helppokäyttöisyytensä vuoksi yleisimmin käytetty menetelmä, erityisesti verrattuna kalliisiin erikoisseoksiin.

Additive corrosion inhibitors, however, have limiting parameters. They must be specially formulated to be compatible with the fluids and geology in which they’ll be used, and they have temperature boundaries. With the industry drilling ever-deeper, and consequently hotter, wells, the upper temperature limit of an additive can take it off the menu and thus require the operator to resort to expensive specialized metal tubulars.

Another limitation is that most currently available corrosion inhibitors are formulated with morpholine residues, the supply of which is increasingly constrained by dwindling sources and increasing regulation of use.

Expanding Inhibition

Addressing the challenge of mitigating corrosion in deeper, hotter wells, TETRA scientists set out to develop a corrosion inhibiting additive that could withstand high temperatures, especially when used with the high-density and extra-high-density bromide-based fluids needed to counteract the high hydrostatic pressures of very deep wells.

We were researching for an ‘out-of-the-box’ approach, which is one long standing practice at TETRA. After identifying two candidate chemistries, we conducted extensive testing over a period of three years.

Tuloksena kehitettiin TETRA X -korroosionestoaine, joka on patentoitavana oleva vallankumouksellinen lisäaine, joka tarjoaa parannetun korroosiosuojauksen korkeissa lämpötiloissa ja korkeassa paineessa jopa 204 °C:een (400 °F) asti. Laajat testit ovat osoittaneet, että lisäaineen teho ja lämpöstabiilisuus ovat huomattavasti perinteisiä inhibiittoreita paremmat, ja se voi vähentää lisäinhibiittorien ja muiden lisäaineiden tarvetta. Lisäksi TETRA X ei vaikuta nesteen pH-arvoon, ja se on yhteensopiva useimpien elastomeerien ja muodostumisnesteiden kanssa sekä suuritiheyksisten ja erittäin suuritiheyksisten bromidipohjaisten nesteiden kanssa (jopa 17,5 lb/gal), kuten TETRA CS Neptune.

TETRA X - testikuponkien kuva.

All testing conducted on N80 mild steel coupons with 0.5% by volume inhibitor loading.

Muihin inhibiittoreihin liittyvien toimitusketju- ja sääntelyrajoitteiden poistamiseksi olemme valmistaneet TETRA X:n runsaista, alueellisista lähteistä peräisin olevista ainesosista, mikä myös pienentää sen hiilijalanjälkeä. Lisäaine ei vaadi erityisiä sekoitus- tai varastointilaitteita, ja se on ympäristöystävällinen. Mitä ei voi olla rakastamatta?

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” The ‘mousetrap’ of today’s oil and gas operations is corrosion inhibition, and we believe we’ve pioneered a game-changing product. The chemistry is permitted to be used in the North Sea, and we’re looking forward to seeing its success in wells in every offshore (and onshore) environment around the world.


[1] Perez, T.E., 2013, “Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industry: An Increasing Challenge,” JOM, Vol. 65, No. 8., pp. 1033–1042.

[2] Solovyeva, V.A., K.H. Almuhammadi, W.O. Badeghaish, 2023, “Current Downhole Corrosion Control Solutions and Trends in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Review,” Materials, Vol. 16, No. 5.

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