TETRA Top 20 Highlights of 2024
Av Stephen Hood | Marknadsförings- och teknisk skribent | 22 december 2024
- TETRA lanserade nya varumärket och visuella identiteten "One TETRA
I början av 2024 genomgick vi en omfattande varumärkesförändring som omfattade en uppdatering av företagets logotyp, nya varumärkesfärger, en ny slogan -The Power of One. The Strength of Many.- och ett nytt varumärkeslöfte: TETRA är fokuserat på miljömedvetna tjänster och lösningar som gör människors liv bättre. - Angela D. John utsedd till styrelseledamot
I mars utsåg vi Angela D. John till ledamot i vår styrelse. Hon har nästan 30 års erfarenhet från energibranschen, bland annat från ledande befattningar och strategiska ledarroller. Hon är oberoende styrelseledamot och ledamot av revisionskommittén samt kommittén för nominering, bolagsstyrning och hållbarhet. - Verksamheten för industriell kalciumklorid levererade på rekordnivåer
TETRA är en global producent av en mängd olika kalciumkloridkvaliteter. Vi har en egen tillverkningsprocess och högkvalitativa råvaror för att producera produkter av högsta kvalitet. Vår kalciumklorid används i många tekniska processer inom olika branscher, bland annat olja och gas, industri, jordbruk, väg samt livsmedel och drycker. - Attended Magnolia Blossom Festival and World Championship Cook-Off in Magnolia, Arkansas
TETRA was proud to attend this year’s Magnolia Blossom Festival and World Championship Cook-Off. The festivities included a 5k race, art show, treasure hunt, parade, and the infamous steak cook-off. Our ONE TETRA team cooked delicious steaks and enjoyed spending the day with the community. - Participated in the Chevron Championship Held in The Woodlands, TX to Help Enable Gender Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education & Careers
TETRA proudly showcased our women in STEM in the First Green Learning Lab alongside GCSAA South Texas Chapter. Visitors who stopped by the Lab learned all about the art of maintaining golf courses and got a glimpse into what TETRA does in the water management and calcium chloride space, and how our work could be applied to the golf course. - Hosted ‘Meet and Greet’ and Town Hall Meeting with Members of the Lafayette County, Arkansas Community
Since the 1980s, TETRA and Arkansas have shared a proud history in the oil and gas industry. On April 25, the ONE TETRA team visited Lafayette County, Arkansas for a ‘Meet & Greet’ and Townhall Meeting with members of the community. We were excited to meet everyone in person and talk about our 40+ year relationship with the state of Arkansas, provide updates on the Evergreen Brine Unit project, and answer questions. - TETRA CS Neptune Fluids tilldelades ett djupvattenprojekt med 3 brunnar i Mexikanska golfen som i slutändan bidrog med besparingar på 15 miljoner USD för operatören
Den 11 juni meddelade vi att TETRA säkrat ett trebrunnars djupvattenprojekt i Mexikanska golfen för TETRA CS Neptune-vätskor med en stor operatör. Tilldelningen innebar en milstolpe för bolaget eftersom det var den andra stora djuphavsoperatören i Mexikanska golfen som använde TETRA CS Neptune för sitt kompletteringsprogram. Användningen av TETRA CS Neptune bidrog i slutändan med besparingar på 15 miljoner USD för operatören. - Offentliggjord definitiv genomförbarhetsstudie (DFS) för brom med övertygande ekonomi
DFS innehåller positiva resultat, inklusive viss finansiell information om utvecklingen av TETRAs bromtillgångar i Arkansas i Evergreen Unit, baserat på tekniska studier, reservoaranalys, vissa kostnads- och intäktsantaganden samt offerter på viktiga komponenter som hittills mottagits eller slutförts. - TETRA Employees Donated 400 Pounds of Food for Local Food Bank
TETRA participated in World Food Day and joined the global movement to support food security with a companywide food drive. Our team in The Woodlands, Texas collected 400 lbs of non-perishable food for the Montgomery County Food Bank and volunteered their time at the Food Bank’s warehouse to inspect, sort, and repackage donated food items for community distribution. This meaningful initiative reflects our commitment to addressing food insecurity and supporting local families in need. - Sätter nytt rekord för volymer av producerat vatten som återvinns för återanvändning vid frakturering: 800.000 BBL/dag
Från automatiserade vattenåtervinningssystem som ekonomiskt bearbetar producerat vatten till att tillhandahålla vattenbehandlingstekniker som eliminerar bakterier och sulfider före fraktureringsoperationer, hjälper vi till att säkerställa en jämn vattenkvalitet under hela färdigställandet. Under Q4 2024 satte TETRA ett nytt rekord på 800.000 bbl/dag av producerat vatten som återvunnits för återanvändning vid frakturering. - Introduced TETRA X Corrosion Inhibitor to Market
To address the challenge of mitigating corrosion in deeper, hotter wells, TETRA scientists developed a corrosion inhibiting additive—TETRA X—that withstands high temperatures, especially when used with the high-density and extra-high-density bromide-based fluids needed to counteract the high hydrostatic pressures of very deep wells. - Kemikalieverksamheten i Europa firade 20-årsjubileum
I oktober 2024 firades 20-årsjubileet för TETRAs kemikalieverksamhet i Europa. Historien om detta företag började 2004, då TETRA etablerade sin kemikalieverksamhet i Europa med huvudkontor i Helsingborg och en produktionsanläggning i Kokkola, Finland. Med denna verksamhet ville TETRA marknadsföra kalciumklorid utanför USA - där man hade sålt produkten i årtionden - och ytterligare utvidga sin marknad till livsmedel, drycker, jordbruk och olika tekniska tillämpningar. - Recognized by Oxy for Successfully Achieving 153 Hours and 45 Minutes of Continuous Pumping in West Texas
Our ONE TETRA water transfer crew in West Texas was recognized by Oxy for breaking a significant record. We successfully achieved an impressive 153 hours and 45 minutes of continuous pumping. This achievement is a testament to our team’s ability to maintain operational efficiency, minimize downtime, and deliver consistent results, all while ensuring safety and seamless alignment with OXY’s standards. - Secured Multi-Well, Multi-Year Deepwater Completion Fluids Contract Brazil
We continued to build our backlog of deepwater projects by securing a significant multi-well, multi-year deep water completion fluids contract in Brazil. This was our second significant deepwater Brazil contract in the past three years and established us as the high-density offshore completion fluids market leader in Brazil. - TETRA-anställda i The Woodlands, TX samlade in nästan 12 000 dollar till Alzheimer's Association
TETRA samlade in nästan 12 000 dollar till Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's® 2024 i The Woodlands. Detta otroliga evenemang samlade över 2 000 deltagare och samlade in nästan 360 000 dollar för att stödja kampen mot Alzheimers. - TETRA Named Top Performing Provider in GOM with Highest Customer Loyalty Score
For four consecutive years, an independent survey of oil and gas operators in the Gulf of Mexico recognized TETRA as the top performing service provider of completion fluids with the highest customer loyalty rating. Why do customers choose us? According to the survey, TETRA excels in technical support and service, responsiveness, and availability of fluids. - Water Management Automation Helped Operator Reduce Labor by 40% & Improve Pump Efficiency on Water Transfer Job in Permian
An operator sought a more efficient and reliable means of water transfer at an expansive pad site located on land containing livestock and other wildlife species. TETRA automated the water management and installed 13 miles of TETRA Steel lay-flat hose that ultimately transferred 50,000 barrels of water per day. TETRA’s solution helped reduce labor by 40%. - Delivered First Full Electrolyte for Energy Storage
To support the fast-growing need for commercial energy storage, TETRA pioneered its TETRA PureFlow ultra-pure zinc bromide for use in grid-scale storage systems and solar power battery storage. TETRA believes it is the only producer of commercial quantities of zinc bromide in the United States and manufactures PureFlow zinc bromide using a proprietary process at its chemical plant in West Memphis, Arkansas. - Partnered with Fundacion YPF in Argentina to Provide Internship Opportunities to the Students of Rincón de los Sauces
This initiative brought companies and educational institutions in Argentina together for the benefit of students, the community, and the industry. - Introduced TETRA Oasis TDS, A Proprietary End-to-End Water Treatment & Desalination Solution for Beneficial Re-Use & Mineral Extraction and Results From Permian Basin Re-Use Pilot
TETRA’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Brady Murphy said, “For several years we have been working to leverage our deep brine chemistry expertise, our US onshore water treatment resources, and our customer network and relationships to address the sizeable industry challenge surrounding treatment of oil and gas produced water for beneficial re-use purposes. By combining our existing expertise in produced water recycling for frac re-use to pre-treat the feed water for two unique membrane technologies, we have developed a high-quality, cost-effective solution.”