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Career Foundation Program

The Career Foundation Program (CFP) is a leadership developmental track to gain exposure to the Company while building business acumen and operational knowledge through a challenging rotational experience.

Comprising the experience are three field-based rotations of six months each and two corporate rotations of three-to-four weeks each. These rotations are at any number of our US domestic operations in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and/or West Virginia.

Career Foundation Program Rotation Example
Career Foundation Program Rotation Example

As a CFP participant, you’ll have the opportunity to lead two projects with an assigned project sponsor. The aim of your observations and recommendations will be to help generate revenue, decrease expenditures, and/or help improve efficiencies for the Company, and ultimately to present your project findings directly to our executive team.

Throughout the program, CFP participants will have multiple opportunities to engage executives and key stakeholders to cultivate professional relationships while gaining invaluable exposure to career opportunities.

CFP participants will also be able to participate in training and development offerings to refine and enhance leadership skills, and they may be asked to participate in recruitment and promotional activities.

Overall, the CFP program is a comprehensive experience that positions participants for success with the goal of placement in a dynamic supervisory or leadership role.

To join the Career Foundation Program,