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Suppliers and Subcontractors

Thank you for your interest in becoming a supplier to TETRA Technologies.  We value our suppliers and subcontractors because they play an integral role to our work and our success.

TETRA partners with a diverse range of third parties that are committed to a collaborative work environment, ethical values, fidelity to law, and standards of health, safety and environment.  Our Code of Business Conduct, Supplier Code of Business Conduct, and Human Rights Standards present the expectations we have for suppliers with regard to values and standards. TETRA is committed to upholding our standards and values and expects the same from our suppliers.

TETRA Procurement manages the selection and continued partnership of our suppliers according to the following criteria:

  • Current or anticipated business need for the product or service
  • Quality of the product or service and the value or savings it brings
  • Agreement to TETRA terms and conditions as well as fidelity to applicable contracts and non-disclosure agreements
  • Acceptable certificate of insurance

If you’re interested in being considered for a supplier role with us, please complete the form below.  Your contact information will remain active for six months.  If you meet the above criteria, a member of the Procurement team will contact you.