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Frac Plug / Sleeve Drillout

Fracturing a well can significantly boost a well’s performance. But after fracking, the proppant and fluids pumped in during the treatment must be removed before production can begin.

TETRA simultaneously removes contaminants, such as solids and excess water, tracks its production capability, and documents its performance for state regulatory agencies. Using specialized equipment, we put a well back in service almost immediately.

With the addition of debris catchers to the flowback spread, our solids management systems can easily accommodate the larger debris associated with drillouts.

Our coiled tubing manifold service helps put your well’s performance back to full operational capacity with coiled tubing procedures. Using a manifold at the surface, we can help clear the wellbore of obstructions that are hindering its efficiency by routing the displaced materials and fluids through a flowline and into to an open-top tank.