Calcium Chloride Construction Applications

Europe, Africa, and Asia
CC road Calcium Chloride
CC road calcium chloride is an efficient, safe and reliable product that can be used in many road applications to make the roads safer to drive and to prevent dust in the air. Our CC road product is a great dust binder both on gravel roads and on paved roads, preventing breathable particles (PM10) in the air when cleaning the streets.
In de-icing CC road is excellent for helping to prevent black ice and a de-icer that works in very low temperatures as well. CC road liquid can also be used as a wetting agent for salt. When using CC road product as a pre-wetting agent the total amount of used salt will be smaller as wetted salt stays better on the road, leading to a result that is better for both traffic safety and the environment.
In Europe, Africa, and Asia our customers use CC road calcium chloride. We produce CC road product as liquid and flakes. Our logistics network will make sure that you have the product when you need it
North America
ROADMASTER Liquid Calcium Chloride / Ag Dust Palliative
ROADMASTER liquid calcium chloride is a concentrated blend in aqueous solution used for surface dust control and soil stabilization on unpaved roads, road shoulders, embankments, stockpiles and construction sites. It is also used as a water extender. In highway construction, it is used as an additive to recycled asphalt to reduce voids and improve compaction and stabilization. Compatible with discrepant road-construction materials, it yields a hard, smooth riding surface.
ROADMASTER AG dust palliative is concentrated calcium chloride liquid designed specifically for surface dust control and soil stabilization around farms and agricultural operations. It is applied to unpaved surfaces and roads, road shoulders, embankments, stockpiles, and construction sites to minimize airborne dust. Airborne dust particles pose significant risk to the health and safety of farm workers. Dust particle deposition on grain, fruit, and vegetable crops can constrain photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration, and allow penetration of phytotoxic gaseous pollutants. This diminishes the crop development and leads to poor crop quality and yields. ROADMASTER Ag treated surfaces, when cured and compacted, form a hard and smooth riding surface.
WinterThaw DI Calcium Chloride
WinterThaw DI calcium chloride-based liquid de-icer is designed to optimize snow and ice melting. The product contains corrosion inhibiting additives to meet the stringent specifications set for de-icing chemicals by the Pacific Northwest States (PNS) and other state departments of transportation (DOT) in the United States. WinterThaw DI calcium chloride is used in various de-icing applications to retard cold weather hazards, including snow and ice on roadways. The product meets or exceeds ASTM D98-87 and AASHTO M144-86 standards for de-icing and it exceeds the PNS DOT requirement that de-icers reduce corrosion by at least 70 percent versus sodium chloride. Winter Thaw DI also meets other key elements of the PNS specifications, being free of precipitates over a wide temperature range and meeting the specification’s strict heavy metal and other impurity levels.
Europe, Africa, and Asia
CC road calcium chloride
North America
Europe, Africa, and Asia
CC food calcium chloride
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