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The Sands of Brine

The Sands of Brine

Sand in the flow stream may be an old problem, but it remains as serious as ever, and it’s just as ‘scalable’ as the best modular equipment. Sand can inflict tremendous harm on everything in the wellbore from the smallest section of tubing to the casing, all the way up to surface equipment and downstream production facilities. It can even compromise wellbore stability and prematurely end the life of a well.

Fortunately, and despite the headwinds, the same industry that has for some 170 years fueled modern living and economic growth continues its long-held tradition of pioneering innovation. Just as recycling flowback and produced water continues to evolve and become the norm, the removal of sand from the flow stream has advanced dramatically in just the past few years.

Download our article featured in Oilfield Technology to learn more about the TETRA SandStorm™ advanced cyclone technology and its impact on capturing frac sand and solids with efficiency and minimal pressure differential, without line restrictions or moving parts. 

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Oilfield Technology Spotlight: Sands of Brine thumbnailWatch our interview with Oilfield Technology where we discuss decisive advances in sand removal technologies in recent years and why this is a cause of celebration.



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